

ok, i'm too tired to do much else, and not tired enough for bed, so i've decided to sing the praises of wybe, philly's public access tv station. remarkably, following the severing of my ties to the cable company, i can still tune in this station. and the programming is such a brillant mis-match of things that are all essentially good.

as we speak, they're airing an old sammo hung kung fu movie, which apparently featured a cast of monty python impersonators in the overdubbing studio. as i type, i am surrounded by the sounds of poorly recorded eric idle-isms. and i don't think they're being too faithful to the original content in the translations either. i watched a full segment in which sammo catches several fish by dunking his hair into a river. there is no dialogue to explain any of this, and i'm not aware of any kung fu directed by luis bunuel, so i have to wonder... at any rate, it's a beautiful thing.

they also boast the wonderful in bed with butch talk show, which could simplistically be labeled a gay and lesbian themed program, if it wasn't for the fact that butch's charismatic (and seemingly quite genuine) affection for all things grassroots and local extends well beyond the gay/straight dichotomy. he's one of the more encouraging icons of the city i live in-- a kind of DIY celebrity with enough relative freedom to compose a show with great sincerity. the opening credits feature a cartoon of him flying around the city, and eventually pulling the trunks of the infamous statue of rocky balboa (originally at the art museum, now moved to the considerably more, eh, phillistine sports complex area) down to his ankles. good stuff.

they also feature various progressive documentaries. i've seen ones dealing with the IMF, foreign policy in central america and women's rights in the media. sure beats trying to ooze a decent idea out of thirty minutes of the nightly news.

and throughout it all are the commericals, which are fit in with a carefree abandon. a program doesn't fade out on wybe. the narrative simply severs, and an ad suddenly appears. it's rather convulsive.

ok, that's it.

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