ahh-nuld on gay marriage
i was reading a few things tonight about gay marriage in san fran, and i'm realizing i need to read more. funny how there are so many boiling culture wars right now-- certainly the election is bound to be one, to say nothing of michael moore or bill o'reilly or mel gibson or or or or or....
anyway, here's a bit from a recent yahoo article on the subject... man, is that arnold ever surreal...
On Sunday, Schwarzenegger said he was worried about the potential for violence because of the controversial marriages.
"All of a sudden we see riots and we see protests and we see people clashing. The next thing we know is there's injured or there's dead people," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
i don't know which is more absurd... the miserable grammar or the blatant absurdity of such paranoia. its funny how blatant fucking bigotry can permeate political discourse as long as it's dressed up with a line or two about "sensitivity to lifestyle choices," or what have you. i mean, he is actually implying that gay marriage will result in death. what planet am i living on????
here in philly, in the past month alone, i have avoided ***actual human crap*** on the subway two seperate times. i miss california dearly. but i miss it a whole hell of a lot less when i think about that musclehead in office...
anyway, here's a bit from a recent yahoo article on the subject... man, is that arnold ever surreal...
On Sunday, Schwarzenegger said he was worried about the potential for violence because of the controversial marriages.
"All of a sudden we see riots and we see protests and we see people clashing. The next thing we know is there's injured or there's dead people," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
i don't know which is more absurd... the miserable grammar or the blatant absurdity of such paranoia. its funny how blatant fucking bigotry can permeate political discourse as long as it's dressed up with a line or two about "sensitivity to lifestyle choices," or what have you. i mean, he is actually implying that gay marriage will result in death. what planet am i living on????
here in philly, in the past month alone, i have avoided ***actual human crap*** on the subway two seperate times. i miss california dearly. but i miss it a whole hell of a lot less when i think about that musclehead in office...