

sodafine is moving 

kudos to my friends at the sodafine boutique (look at my friends' links in my side column... also stop by erin's art site as well), for introducing me to the thriving culture of DIY fashion. whereas previously, i may have lumped indie rock clothing culture in with the anorexic-ironic-mullets of the world, i now consider the concept of making your own clothes decidedly punk rock (in a good way). hopefully, the sewing machine/knitting needle will find its place alongside the rock guitar or turntable as an icon of countercultural expression...

anyway, for all you lazy asses who can't click on my sidebar link, here's the details of their re-opening. february 14th, so bring your valentine...

grand opening party february 14th at our new space at 246 dekalb avenue, brooklyn !

directions to our new shop:

we are located in the fort greene neighborhood of brooklyn at the intersection of dekalb and vanderbilt. take the 'C' to clinton/washington, walk north on clinton (towards layfayette), turn left on dekalb. or; take the 'G' to clinton st, walk north to dekalb and turn left. we're right next door to Tillie's coffee shop.

while i'm at it, craftster is a wonderful site you should check out along these lines, even if i am increasingly tired of websites ending in "ster"...

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