my resolutions
here, a little late, are some hopes and resolutions for 2004:
5. become more involved in DIY ANYTHING, whether it's blogging here or making art or making little books or mix cd's or even making my own clothing, like my friends erin and rebekah do over at sodafine (look on my links... and get ready NYC.... they're coming...)
4. avoid SEPTA, philly's life sucking public transit system, which i'm obligated to use to get to work. avoiding it will be irrational, but may just make me the flaneur of philadelphia i know i was always meant to be.
3. finish, after months and months, hegel's "phenomenology of spirit." i read. i stall. i read. i stall. currently, i'm halfway through, and digressing into alexandre kojeve's introductory text.
2. risk embarassment.
1. move to california.
5. become more involved in DIY ANYTHING, whether it's blogging here or making art or making little books or mix cd's or even making my own clothing, like my friends erin and rebekah do over at sodafine (look on my links... and get ready NYC.... they're coming...)
4. avoid SEPTA, philly's life sucking public transit system, which i'm obligated to use to get to work. avoiding it will be irrational, but may just make me the flaneur of philadelphia i know i was always meant to be.
3. finish, after months and months, hegel's "phenomenology of spirit." i read. i stall. i read. i stall. currently, i'm halfway through, and digressing into alexandre kojeve's introductory text.
2. risk embarassment.
1. move to california.